The presentation of your concept or concept design plan needs to include following items:
1. What is your concept? The idea.
2. What background information do you need?
- books, research, other readings and where can you find these? Consult at least one source. What did you learn?
- benchmark – and benchmark at least two previous examples. How does your concept differ?
- Interview key persons: would this help? Who might they be?
3. Users
- who are your users?
- Where will you find them? how can you reach them?
- What is your concept giving to them?
- Test your concept with at least one user, or explain how that will be done
4. How will the concept be realized?
- resources – time, money, people
- who are needed to be involved? (users, clients/ commisioners, finance, permissions etc.)
- other?
5. Potential for further development?
If you have attended the classes and participated actively in a group, your presentation can be in the form of a ppt slides and spoken presentation explaining all the angles.
If you have missed significant amount of classes and discussion, and/or if you are not presenting your concept in class, you need to submit a minimum 5 page written report including above items. You can use pictures, but all issues need to be also written out.